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Apostolic Celtic Church

Puerto Rico

Brother Javier, a devoted member of the Apostolic Celtic Church in Puerto Rico, leads a ministry deeply rooted in the monastic tradition. While his calling takes a different form than traditional parish ministry, Brother Javier’s passion for serving others and fostering spiritual growth remains steadfast.

He has dedicated himself to various meaningful endeavors, from nurturing young couples to supporting the education of theologians. He is launching a bilingual newsletter, from the ACC in Puerto Rico, that will reach out to a wide audience with the wisdom and teachings of the Celtic Christian tradition.

In his pursuit of a monastic lifestyle, Brother Javier aspires to establish a small monastery in Morovis, Puerto Rico for the Columbine Monks. This spiritual haven will provide a sacred space for prayer, contemplation, communal living, and marriage ceremonies. As he navigates this path, Brother Javier remains open to divine guidance, seeking God’s will for his life.

Brother Javier’s ministry extends to the realm of marriage, particularly focusing on young couples who seek a welcoming and inclusive church community. With the blessing of the Primus, he aspires to initiate a marriage ministry that embraces couples with fewer requirements, providing them with a loving and supportive environment to celebrate their sacred union.

As a Vocation Speaker for the OSC (Order of St. Columba of Iona), Brother Javier actively engages in sharing his faith journey and inspiring others to explore their own vocational callings. He also serves as a seminary professor, providing guidance and mentorship to individuals through messenger platforms, nurturing their spiritual growth and theological education.

In the vibrant tapestry of the Holy Trinity, Brother Javier finds solace, purpose, and strength. His dedication to prayer, contemplation, and service to others exemplify the profound commitment and devotion he brings to his ministry within the Apostolic Celtic Church in Puerto Rico.

Javier Mayol


Brother Javier, a devoted member of the Apostolic Celtic Church, is an individual called to a monastic life and dedicated to serving his community. His ministry encompasses various activities, including teaching as a seminary professor, supporting young couples in marriage ministry, assisting the Salvation Army, working on publishing a bilingual newsletter, and establishing a monastery. He is currently focused on providing a welcoming space for young couples seeking a more accessible approach to the sacrament of marriage. Through his deep spiritual connection and active engagement, Brother Javier embodies a profound commitment to a life of prayer and contemplation.